Thursday, February 27, 2014

2/26 Slap Together Wednesday! Make it a meme!

Here is my first meme created for Chi Wai Lei:

I have the same problem with deciphering words and how they are used in the text. I think a simple solution is to really grasp the words you do understand and see how it is used in the sentence or paragraph. That will be your base and many a times you can understand what the writer is trying to say. If not it helps to make a list of definitions of those words and have it by your side for quick referencing. To specifically define the word "pre-dominantly" it means for the most part. An example is American citizens are pre-dominantly English speaking. 

My second meme is for Shen: 

I believe what Althusser is talking about is for a class to hold power, it is unable to do so for long unless it resides in the ideological state apparatus. At the beginning of page 81. it says " Ideological State Appartuses function massively and predominantly by ideology but they also function secondarily by repression. Althusser is referring to the dictatorship involved when having a class remain in power for a long time. It is virtually impossible to get people on board with keeping one class in a state of power without a strong influence and leverage. 

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