Tuesday, February 4, 2014


A reiteration of what was listed during class are:

-Facts in favor of side
-Organization, Ethos
- News, recent info tabs
-get involved
- source material
-scare tactics/pathos heavy
-about us page

-Eye catching
- not purely informational

In my website I talk about the hunger issues globally. I think what will set my website apart from others is the multimodal aspect. I intend to use pictures, videos, and words to evoke unexpected emotions from my viewers. I also think a necessary but key part of my website will be the "about us page" along with Facts and News about starvation.

1 comment:

  1. Good topic -- there's plenty to talk about with it. Is there any way you plan to use the "get involved" feature? Global hunger is a big task to take on, but there might be a way to work in "think globally, act locally" rhetoric by investigating Pullman and Whitman County food insecurity solutions.
