Monday, February 24, 2014


" As a second moment, it is clear that whereas the- Unified- Repressive State Apparatus belongs entirely to the public domain, much the larger part of the Ideological State Apparatuses (in their apparent dispersion are part, on the contrary, of the private domain. Churches, Parties, Trade Union, families, some schools, most newspapers, cultural ventures are private."

This portion of the article talks about the line between private and public. Things run and upheld by the government which function with violence are typically public events, but places held by our own accord are private. I think this passage affects my design by way of structure. My intent for my topic Global Hunger is not violence but empathy and with that I originally was going to structure my website much like the . gov website but i distinguish that there is no association with it I am going to change up the layout of my page.

"Beneath Ruling Ideology" is something I am unfamiliar about.
I am aware that it involves different classes, but to what extent and what are is their ideology on the whole matter of Repressive State Apparatus vs. Ideological State Apparatuses.


  1. I posted a comment about your passage. Here's my blog

  2. Made a meme and somewhat of a solution to your post. Here it is:
