Wednesday, February 12, 2014


My topic for this class is "Global Hunger". The possibility of encountering starvation is all too real as the wealth of nations shift from the lower and middle class to the upper.  Global hunger is found on many different scales and money is not the only thing affecting its growth, the environment is consistently changing and it makes farming difficult.

In my website I will be tackling the eminent danger of global hunger and how people can lessen the traction it has had in recent years. I will also address who is affected, what is hunger, and the statistics behind it all.

I chose this topic because it is very relatable.

Hunger has touched every inch of this globe and it is growing. Starvation and malnutrition are both issues which need to be addressed and with the help of this site, hopefully people are better equipped to handle this pandemic. 


  1. The five sites you gathered are all solid, and you're right that this is the kind of topic that gets treated with statistics most often. (It's easier to turn away from a TV commercial asking me to help a single person for pennies a day than it is to turn away from staggeringly huge numbers of malnutrition worldwide.) You've got a worldwide focus right now, but is there anything you think you'll end up proposing to solve/alleviate the problem? You might look into the local research from WSU and U of I on lentils -- both schools' agriculture programs started focusing on lentil development when it started to look like a food that could solve hunger problems around the world. Alternatively, you might start looking at some of the other attempts to create longer lasting hunger solutions. WSU grad and fantasy author Patrick Rothfuss supports a charity called Worldbuilders you might think about looking into.

    In the end, remember that you want to change your audience's beliefs or behaviors after this site. It's easy to get people bummed out about the fact that more than half the planet is malnourished, but getting those with the power to change that to act is the difficult (and more interesting) thing to do.

  2. I think this topic is great. However, you say that you are going to be talking about how people can slow down worldwide hunger, but do you have any specific ideas as to how? Also, what will your website layout look like to send a convincing message as to why your audience should care?
