Sunday, March 2, 2014

2/28 Visual Analysis Friday!

Using Google drawings was much more entertaining than replying and discussing topics in a one dimensional form (text). It gave us the option to add memes, pictures, and drawings of the topics we wanted to discuss. In my opinion, adding a visual aid often made understanding concepts much more entertaining but also a lot easier because as humans we often associate words and things , to past experiences which are translated in the form of pictures.

I hate to admit this but I don't remember what the rhetorical situation was. It was just too much fun being creative with a side of anonymity. And from what I witnessed last Friday, I don't think anyone actually payed attention to the lesson rather they were also pawing for laughs and taking advantage of Google drawings.

To answer the question " What social or ideological structures encouraged or discouraged you from taking certain actions in participating?" I think anonymity played a very large part in us taking all our actions. It took a public space to the next level when no one in the class could identify who was posting what content. I felt more safe and able to go beyond my fears of getting caught. 

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