Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3/12 - Peer Review

What do you think of my site?


  1. You need to create a folder and insert your pictures so your website can be viewed. Currently I cannot see anything other then a video.

  2. Marc, You seem to be heading in the right direction, and I like how you integrated a few videos into your homepage. A lot of your main images however are not showing up, including the header, and main image. I think that you have a lot of strong content, and with a few additions to the design layout, you will be good to go. Perhaps try and center your site? Everything is currently off to on side, which is a bit distracting. Your links are also not working at the moment, so I was unable to see any of the other pages.

  3. I think this is a good start and like Dwayne said you are heading in the right direction. I think the videos add a nice touch but none of the other photos work. The links are also not working so I can't really see anything else. The layout seems a bit cluttered anyways, so I really think that you could somehow change that up so it looks more presentable.
