Thursday, February 27, 2014

2/26 Slap Together Wednesday! Make it a meme!

Here is my first meme created for Chi Wai Lei:

I have the same problem with deciphering words and how they are used in the text. I think a simple solution is to really grasp the words you do understand and see how it is used in the sentence or paragraph. That will be your base and many a times you can understand what the writer is trying to say. If not it helps to make a list of definitions of those words and have it by your side for quick referencing. To specifically define the word "pre-dominantly" it means for the most part. An example is American citizens are pre-dominantly English speaking. 

My second meme is for Shen: 

I believe what Althusser is talking about is for a class to hold power, it is unable to do so for long unless it resides in the ideological state apparatus. At the beginning of page 81. it says " Ideological State Appartuses function massively and predominantly by ideology but they also function secondarily by repression. Althusser is referring to the dictatorship involved when having a class remain in power for a long time. It is virtually impossible to get people on board with keeping one class in a state of power without a strong influence and leverage. 

Monday, February 24, 2014


" As a second moment, it is clear that whereas the- Unified- Repressive State Apparatus belongs entirely to the public domain, much the larger part of the Ideological State Apparatuses (in their apparent dispersion are part, on the contrary, of the private domain. Churches, Parties, Trade Union, families, some schools, most newspapers, cultural ventures are private."

This portion of the article talks about the line between private and public. Things run and upheld by the government which function with violence are typically public events, but places held by our own accord are private. I think this passage affects my design by way of structure. My intent for my topic Global Hunger is not violence but empathy and with that I originally was going to structure my website much like the . gov website but i distinguish that there is no association with it I am going to change up the layout of my page.

"Beneath Ruling Ideology" is something I am unfamiliar about.
I am aware that it involves different classes, but to what extent and what are is their ideology on the whole matter of Repressive State Apparatus vs. Ideological State Apparatuses.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Malnutrition Haunts Millions of Indonesian Children

For this photo I would paste it on the homepage and cycle through images much like this. This image and many others will segue into multiple topics about malnutrition across the globe. 
Source:  <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Bitzer makes a valid point about the rhetorical situation. Often times as a Com. student I am given different assignments such as creating a blog or a website and the topic can either be specific or not at all. When it is, it is important to know how to respond appropriately. A few traits which i think is important for a good rhetor is the ability to be persuasive, a planner, and motivated.

In the case of Matt doing valentines day wrong, I do think he is not responding to the situation appropriately. He has a plan of going out tomorrow but does it is not fitting because it will no longer be Valentines day. A good

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


My topic for this class is "Global Hunger". The possibility of encountering starvation is all too real as the wealth of nations shift from the lower and middle class to the upper.  Global hunger is found on many different scales and money is not the only thing affecting its growth, the environment is consistently changing and it makes farming difficult.

In my website I will be tackling the eminent danger of global hunger and how people can lessen the traction it has had in recent years. I will also address who is affected, what is hunger, and the statistics behind it all.

I chose this topic because it is very relatable.

Hunger has touched every inch of this globe and it is growing. Starvation and malnutrition are both issues which need to be addressed and with the help of this site, hopefully people are better equipped to handle this pandemic. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014


What stood out to me about a lot of these websites, are they're statistic based websites. For a few of the websites, it goes in depth about multiple countries' position on global hunger, such as how many are without food and the percentages of that population. For they merely put up the most important statistics right on their front page rather than having multiples links that you have to click through. In my opinion I think that is the most effective way to really capture a viewer's attention, and then post tabs for how we can fight global hunger, and other links which go more in depth about the statistics shown. was the best website I had come across. Once again they posted a really captivating entry right on their front page and had tabs going across the top, to mark important categories within the topic. The color blue was soothing and did not detract from the overall look of the page. In a few of the websites, colors were either very similar or off the charts and that in my opinion took away from the overall message and rhetoric of the sites.

I think my site will most resemble , their layout was simple and clean. I really enjoyed the photos they used of kids starving. It was a good use of pathos, and a tactic which I believe will really hold the viewers attention. In my website I might also post a few videos which rotate, much like yahoos front page. As a whole, the 5 websites I posted have many redeeming qualities and many which will be incorporated into my future website.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Logo 2/5/14

I chose the topic, hunger problems around the world for my website. In this logo , I thought it would be fitting to have a silver platter with the phrase "Global Hunger" resting on top of it. This image presents the topic or message of what my website will be "dishing out" to the readers.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


A reiteration of what was listed during class are:

-Facts in favor of side
-Organization, Ethos
- News, recent info tabs
-get involved
- source material
-scare tactics/pathos heavy
-about us page

-Eye catching
- not purely informational

In my website I talk about the hunger issues globally. I think what will set my website apart from others is the multimodal aspect. I intend to use pictures, videos, and words to evoke unexpected emotions from my viewers. I also think a necessary but key part of my website will be the "about us page" along with Facts and News about starvation.