Friday, April 4, 2014


Middle aged adults who either are in a relationship or are looking for "the one".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like how you have a related symbol for your audience, however the design only consists of 1 button and does not offer many options. Also, from the symbol alone, I cannot determine that the symbol is for the demographic, "middle-aged adults looking for "the one". I would just recommend adding some more symbols to the design.
    ~Greg Posey

  3. I like the idea. I think that you could have done a little more. I think the simple design is good, but more buttons probably would have been better. Even Tinder has more buttons. So if you're going for a sort of thing, then maybe find a way to add more of that aspect to it. Like how to get info on a person, etc. I think it's a good interface, just a bit too simple and needs a little bit more of a design and more buttons that will tell you more about the person who could be your soulmate!
